Processing of personal data

BODEGAS FILLABOA, S.A. with address at Lg Fillaboa, 0 – 36459 Salvaterra de Miño (Pontevedra).

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. refers to the products of the following wineries of the Corporación Masaveu Group:






What rights do you have and where can you apply for them?

You may request the exercise of these rights by sending a written communication to the Department of attention to the rights of interested parties, c/ Cimadevilla 8, 33003 Oviedo (Asturias) or by sending an email to the email address

In the case of images captured by video surveillance systems, you may request the exercise of these rights before SERCOINFO SEGURIDAD, S.L. at and to BODEGAS MURUA, S.A. with the contact details indicated otherwise.

Access To consult your data and obtain confirmation as to whether or not it is being processed.
Rectification To modify those that are incomplete or inaccurate.
Deletion To request their deletion when they are not necessary, established by law, you withdraw your consent or object to the processing, among other reasons.
Oppose To request that they not be processed for reasons based on their personal circumstances, in which case once these reasons have been analyzed they will no longer be processed.
Limitation of processing To block the processing while it is being assessed whether other rights should be respected, when you object to their deletion, or when you want them to be kept, even if the winery does not need to process them, for the exercise or defense of its claims.
Withdrawal of consent In order not to continue the processing of your data in the future, which will not affect the processing carried out up to that moment.
More information on the processing of your customer data.

For what purpose?

Manage and serve the orders received, proceed to their billing and collection, as well as keep you informed about the status of your orders, offers, promotions and news about our wine products and the world of wine.

Why can you do it?

In order to guarantee the fulfillment of the established contractual relationship. For the existence of a legitimate interest of the company in keeping you informed about promotions and offers of our products in which you have previously shown your interest by becoming our customer, although you will be allowed to oppose it in each shipment.

Third Party Data

If you provide data of third parties to indicate the shipping address, you must do so with their consent.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management developed by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. Data is provided to the transport company to serve the order, financial institutions or payment platforms with which MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. works and the Tax Agency or the Regional Treasury in the event that the transaction results in the fulfillment of legal obligations in tax matters.

How long is your data kept?

Your tax- and accounting-relevant data will be kept until the legally established periods of five and six years, respectively, have expired. Your contact details and consumption history will be kept for the purpose of sending you information about our products and to find out what offers you may be interested in unless you object to such processing, in which case your data will be placed on an exclusion list to prevent you from receiving future mailings.

More information on the processing of your data for the management of booking oenotourism visits

For what purpose?

Manage the reservation of the visit on the agreed date and proceed to the payment of the same, as well as send you information about your reservation and the best way to get to the winery. Keep you informed about offers and promotions of our wines.

Why can you do it?

In order to guarantee the fulfillment of the established contractual relationship. With your consent in the case of sending information about our wines.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L.

How long is your data kept?

Your contact details will be kept for the purpose of sending you information about our products as long as you have given your consent and as long as you do not withdraw it, in which case your details will be put on an exclusion list to prevent you from receiving future mailings.

More information on the processing of images taken during oenotourism visits.

For what purpose?


To make our customers and visitors participate in our history by becoming part of it through different graphic documents that are collected over the years.

Why can you do it?

Because having indicated at the time of taking the photographs what is going to be the destination of the photos and the social networks where the photos can be disseminated, you have not objected to us taking the photo, which is a manifestation of consent on your part, however, you can object at any time if you change your mind.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management developed by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. The photos may be published in the news section of the winery’s website, as well as in the social networks in which it participates: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Flickr.

How long is your data kept?

The images become part of the photographic archive of the winery, which is a part of our history, so they are not deleted unless you ask us to do so. They will be removed from social networks as they become outdated or if you request their removal.

More information on the processing of your data collected in satisfaction surveys

What data is processed?

The data collected in the satisfaction form allow us to have information about the type of consumer who visits our wineries for statistical use to improve the quality of our service, but a profile associated with your contact details: name and surname, postal and e-mail address and telephone number.

For what purpose?

The contact information you provide will be used to send a periodic newsletter about the world of wine and information about our products and activities. These offers will not be made on the basis of a consumption profile, but by the fact of being a customer.

Why can you do it?

Because the completion and submission of the survey implies your consent to the processing of your data for the purposes indicated, although at the time of completion you were allowed to object to the use of your data for advertising purposes.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L.

How long is your data kept?

As long as you do not withdraw your consent. In each promotional mailing we will inform you about the possibility of unsubscribing and how to do it, in which case your data will become part of an exclusion list to prevent you from receiving future mailings.

More information on the processing of your data as a member of the wine club.

For what purpose?

To share our passion for wine with you by inviting you to join an exclusive group in order to receive special offers and promotions reserved for our best customers, using the contact information you have provided.

Why can you do it?

Because by registering in our club through the website you have given us your consent to do so.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L.

How long is your data kept?

As long as you do not unsubscribe from the wine club. In the case of unsubscribing, your data will be included in an exclusion list to prevent you from receiving any further advertising of our products, unless you tell us otherwise.

More information the processing of contact data and identification data of companies, business people and professionals.

For what purpose?

They are processed for the purpose of contacting the companies, businessmen or professionals with whom BODEGAS FILLABOA S.A. collaborates or to whom it serves its products or to identify the legal representatives of such companies in cases where legal relations are established with them.

Why can you do it?

Because the relationship established with its distributors, suppliers and customers of its products determines the existence of a legitimate interest in maintaining a fluid contact with the company, entrepreneur or professional through its employees and to be able to verify the representation capacity of its representatives in the legal traffic.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management developed by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. Your data will not be provided to third parties, unless it is necessary in response to a legal requirement.

How long is your data kept?

As long as the relationship with your company, with the entrepreneur or professional is maintained and in the case of legal documents as long as they take effect or some kind of liability arises from them, being necessary for the exercise of rights or the defense of the company against claims.

More information on data processing for public relations purposes.

What data is processed?

Data relating to name and surname, postal and e-mail address, and telephone number appearing on cards received at fairs, congresses, conventions, wine tastings or derived from relations with the media, contacts through professional social networks such as Linkedin or obtained from advertising agencies or from your attendance at one of our events.

For what purpose?

Sending information about vintages, events or participation in campaigns related to the world of wine.

Why can you do it?

Because there is a legitimate interest of the company for its relationship with the wine or the media and the interest shown in our products to keep you informed about our activities or make you participate in our campaigns, although at any time you can object to such treatment.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L.

How long is your data kept?

As long as you do not oppose the treatment. In each communication we will inform you about the possibility of unsubscribing from our distribution lists and how to do so.

More information on the processing of your contact data for sending a message to our mailbox.

For what purpose?

We only require your contact information necessary to be able to answer your request.

Why can you do it?

Because your request determines that the company has a legitimate interest in answering you, for which it is necessary to process your contact information.

Who else has access to your data?

Your data are not provided in any case to third parties, but it is possible that BODEGAS FILLABOA, S.A. may provide your data to the most appropriate Group winery to serve you depending on the case, so that it can give you the information best suited to your needs.

In any case, the Group’s portal provides information on the different wineries and you can contact a specific company directly by accessing the contact form on its website.

How long is your data kept?

Your data will be deleted once your request has been fulfilled if no other type of relationship or interest that determines its conservation has been derived from it.

More information on the processing of images taken by video surveillance systems.

For what purpose?

The processing of images by video surveillance systems is carried out for security purposes.

Why can you do it?

The processing of images for video surveillance purposes is based on the legitimate interest of BODEGAS FILLABOA, S.A. to protect its infrastructures and facilities, as well as to guarantee the safety of its workers and all persons accessing its facilities.

Who else has access to your data?

The video surveillance and security service is provided by the private security company SERCOINFO SEGURIDAD, S.L. that accesses the data on behalf of BODEGAS FILLABOA S.A.

The images could be provided upon request to Security Forces and Corps or judges and courts in the course of investigations or proceedings, or when their provision is necessary for the exercise or defense of the rights of the company or third parties that may be affected.

How long is your data kept?

Your data will be deleted within a maximum period of one month from their recording, without prejudice to those images that must be kept in the course of an investigation because they are necessary until it is concluded or the responsibilities arising from the recorded activities are determined.